Litter in Essex

We all Love Essex and want to keep our county looking its best. But keeping Essex clean and tidy is costing the taxpayer millions of pounds a year!
Person litter picking beside a river.

The problem with litter

There are over 30 million tonnes of litter dropped every year in the UK, costing millions of pounds to clean up.

Not only is it unsightly, but even the smallest amount of litter can harm the local wildlife and damage the soil. If you’re out and about and the bins are full, please make sure you take your rubbish home with you.

If you’re caught dropping litter, you could be fined a Fixed Penalty Notice of £500.

Ideas to help reduce litter

  • opt for reusable items such as refillable water bottles and coffee cups
  • if you are planning on going for a picnic this summer, why not try and make it plastic-free? Store your food in containers with lids rather than cling film or sandwich bags
  • take part in a litter pick! A great way to socialise, keep fit and help the environment
  • keep a litter bag in your car so you can take your rubbish home with you if the bins are full

Local litter picking groups

There are many local litter picking groups across the county. Some organise group picks via social media, or just share their interesting finds and frustrations!

See it, report it

If you see someone littering you may be able to report it to the local authority where you saw the incident. 

By contacting the local authority where you saw the incident, you will be helping to keep Essex clean, and helping to deter others from littering.

To report a littering offence or to raise a street cleaning request, please choose from the below list of local authorities: