Meal planning

Meal planning can save you money, time, and help to reduce food waste.
Hand writing a meal plan on paper surrounded by fresh food.

Planning your meals, even just a few days in advance, means you can use up what needs to be eaten in your fridge, and you only buy what you need. This saves you both time and money and can be less stressful as there’s no need to worry about what to cook every day.

How to make a meal plan

Think about what meals you want to cook, remind yourself of your food budget and create a plan. You can use a pen and paper or make a list on your phone! There are also lots of meal plan templates available to download online.

Remember to check your cupboards to see what you already have, and then write a shopping list before heading to the shops.

Top tips for meal planning

Follow these tips for effective meal planning:

  • make the most of your cupboard staples to help stick within budget
  • check use-by dates of items at the supermarket before adding them to your trolley
  • stick your meal plan on your fridge so it’s not hidden away and forgotten about

Life can be hectic, and plans are bound to change. Why not leave a couple of empty slots in your meal plan to allow for disruption? This is an easy way to avoid missed meals going to waste, and a great opportunity to use up leftovers or grab a meal from your freezer!