Storing food

Storing food correctly is an easy way to make your food last longer and reduce food waste.
Fridge thermometer in the foreground with fridge shelves behind.

Storing food correctly is an easy way to make your food last longer. This helps to avoid food waste as you’ll have more time to eat it before it spoils. It also saves you money if you don’t have to throw away food that could have been eaten!

The importance of storing your food correctly

By ensuring your food is stored in the right place, it can help to prevent foodborne illnesses caused from harmful bacteria. It also preserves the quality and nutritional values of the food making it taste better.

If you are unsure about the best place to store an item of food, check out the Love Food Hate Waste A to Z of food. You'll find great information about storage hacks and recipe ideas. 

How to store common food items

Store in a cool, dark place:

  • bread
  • onions and garlic

Store in the fridge:

  • potatoes
  • meat and fish
  • most fruit and veg
  • eggs and dairy
  • mushrooms
  • leftover meals

Use bag clips or pegs to seal opened packets of food, such as crisps or sweets.

You can use plastic containers or airtight tins to store opened packets of biscuits or cakes, keeping them fresher for longer.

Chill your fridge 

Did you know, only half of us in the UK know that our fridge should be set below 5°C?

Adjusting your fridge temperature so it’s between 0-5°C can make your food last up to three days longer!

You can buy a fridge thermometer quite cheaply to check how your fridge is doing.

How to adjust your fridge temperature

If you’re unsure on how to check your fridge temperature, Love Food Hate Waste have a brilliant guide to help.

Choose your fridge brand from the dropdown list and look for the relevant temperature dial on the webpage. Then just follow the instructions on how to check and change your fridge’s temperature. Easy as that!

Love your freezer

To avoid food going to waste, check date labels regularly and make sure to make the most of your freezer! Food can be frozen right up to (and including) the 'Use By' date.

Understanding date labels

The date labels on food packaging can be confusing. It's important to know what they mean, so that you can prevent food from going to waste. By understanding the difference between 'Use By' and 'Best Before', it’s much easier to ensure you use or freeze your food before it spoils.

What’s the difference between ‘Best Before’ and ‘Use By’?

The 'Best Before' label refers to food quality. Your food will be at its best before the date given, but it will still be safe to eat after the date has passed. Use your senses to make a judgement. A good example is dried pasta, which can last up to three years past its 'Best Before' date!

The 'Use By' label refers to food safety. You must not eat food after this date has passed, even if it looks and smells fine.