Menstrual cups

A menstrual cup is a small flexible cup usually made from silicone or rubber, which is folded and inserted so that it sits just below the cervix. If you are used to using tampons, the cup could be a good option for you.
Clear and pink menstrual cups laid on pink background

How do I use it?

Once you’ve bought your new cup, you’ll want to clean it before you first use it. Put your cup in a mug or bowl and fill with boiling water. Leave it to bathe for a few minutes, and always make sure it’s air-dried and cool enough before using! There are a few different ways to insert your cup safely, but some of the most popular include:

  • the C fold – fold the cup in half to create a ‘C’ shape from above
  • the Punch-Down fold (or Tulip fold) – press down one side of the cup inwards to create a tip, it should look a little closer to the size of a tampon
  • the 7 fold – cross one side of the cup diagonally over

Before you insert or remove your cup, make sure that your hands are clean. Once you’ve found the fold that works for you, insert the cup and rotate it to form a seal. If it’s time to empty your cup, hold the bottom of the cup with your fingers and push the side of the cup slightly to break the seal. Then gently pull the cup out. Tip the contents out into the toilet and rinse out with clean water. It is perfectly safe to reinsert for another wear. You can wear your cup safely for up to 8 hours at one time.

How do I clean it?

It’s a good idea to sterilise your cup before your first use and after your last use. You can rinse the cup with clean water in-between changes and then reinsert.

Menstrual cups can be worn for up to 8 hours at a time. But if you ever need to change in a public bathroom and you are unable to rinse the cup, it is safe to simply empty and reinsert. Just remember to give it a rinse and a clean when you get home. 

To sanitise your cup, clean and rinse it in warm water and soap. Then pop it into a bowl and fill it with boiling water - leave it to sterilise for a few minutes and you’re good to go!

What our residents say:

“I am conscious of how much waste is created with disposables and I wanted to do something about it. It didn’t take me long to learn how to use the cup and it’s so good to know that I don’t need to remember to buy anything. I always used to run out of disposables!

Using the cup also means I don’t need to get changed as often as before, which is great when I’m out in parks, woods, the beach, anywhere without a toilet at every corner. Without doing the maths, in two years of use I’ve definitely got my money back. It’s convenient, clean, easy to use and cheap - no brainer!”

- Gabriella