
Waste prevention is the highest priority (think reduce, reuse, recycle) so it should always be the first thing you consider.
By thinking about what you buy and what you use, you can reduce the amount of waste you create.

A variety of vegetables on a chopping board, in a kitchen.

Food waste

The average Essex household wastes £83 every month by throwing away food that could have been eaten.

Find out how to waste less and save more
Hands filling a bag from refill shop dispensers.


Try to avoid unnecessary packaging by stocking up at a refill shop, and you only need to fill up as much as you need.

Find a refill shop near you
Pile of junk mail on the floor.

Junk mail

There are a few steps you can follow to help reduce the amount of junk mail you receive.

Find out how you can stop junk mail
A reusable Love Essex cup being picked up off a table.

Single-use plastics

Single-use items are designed to only be used once before being thrown away - what a waste!

Find out how to reduce your use of single-use plastic
Lady holding reusable wipes in one hand and cloth wipes in other.

Wet wipes

Single-use wipes can’t be recycled or flushed down the loo, which leads to 11 billion wipes being thrown away every year in the UK.

Find out about switching to cloth wipes
Reusable stainless steel coffee cup with black lid.


There's loads of easy switches you can make when you're out and about to cut down on waste.

Find out about switching to reusable coffee cups
Person surrounded by various period products.

Period products

In the UK alone, 18 million people each use around 11,000 single use sanitary products in their lifetime.

Find out about switching to reusable period products
Smiling baby crawling amongst colourful cloth nappies.

Cloth nappies

In the UK around 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away each day! Switching to cloth nappies is a great step to take.

Find out about using cloth nappies
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illustration of 3 people carrying recycling bins and bags

How to dispose of your unwanted items and waste