By thinking about what you buy and what you use, you can reduce the amount of waste you create.

Food waste
The average Essex household wastes £83 every month by throwing away food that could have been eaten.

Try to avoid unnecessary packaging by stocking up at a refill shop, and you only need to fill up as much as you need.

Junk mail
There are a few steps you can follow to help reduce the amount of junk mail you receive.

Single-use plastics
Single-use items are designed to only be used once before being thrown away - what a waste!

Wet wipes
Single-use wipes can’t be recycled or flushed down the loo, which leads to 11 billion wipes being thrown away every year in the UK.

There's loads of easy switches you can make when you're out and about to cut down on waste.

Period products
In the UK alone, 18 million people each use around 11,000 single use sanitary products in their lifetime.

Cloth nappies
In the UK around 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away each day! Switching to cloth nappies is a great step to take.

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