Businesses invited to learn about the draft waste strategy

Essex County Council drafted a strategy for managing waste with Essex’s city, district and borough councils last year. Over 4,500 people gave their thoughts in a public consultation.
Now, businesses of all sizes are invited to lunch and learn about how the waste strategy will affect them.
The strategy sets out how we can protect the environment and save resources. Its major focus is on the need to reduce waste.
A free online event on Tuesday, 23 April will help businesses prepare for changes. This includes the need for businesses to separate recyclable materials from general waste.
Commercial and industrial waste is estimated to make up around 80% of waste in Essex. This is about 2.8 million tonnes a year.
The Essex Waste Partnership comprises the county, city, district and borough councils. It will provide expert advice through the lunch and learn to help businesses prepare.
All businesses operating in Essex are invited to sign up for the free event now.