Essex has a new waste strategy!

On Tuesday 23 July, Essex County Council (ECC) adopted the new Waste Strategy for Essex.
The strategy sets out the shared vision of the Essex Waste Partnership (EWP) and the targets for managing recycling and waste in the county for the next 30 years. The partnership developed ambitious plans for how Essex councils, businesses and residents will work together to reduce waste, reuse and recycle more. This will help reduce the impact on our environment from dealing with the things we throw away.
Last year, ECC hosted a public consultation on behalf of the EWP. Over 4,500 people had their say on the draft Waste Strategy for Essex. Consultation findings showed that there was a good level of support across the county, and feedback was used to develop a final version of the strategy.
ECC formally adopted the new Waste Strategy for Essex at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 23 July. Other councils in the partnership will be taking decisions throughout the summer.
Find out more information about the new strategy and how it will affect you. You can also follow us on social media or sign up to our newsletter for further updates and announcements.